I'm still in love with the color orange ..
Orange was interesting but for a quiet sunny ..
Orange warna terajaib yang pernah diciptakan oleh Sang Pencipta..
Orange seperti mempunyai energi positive tersendiri kalau menurut aku. Jadi orange itu warna yang bisa membuat kita lebih bersemangat dan seperti ada aura positive yang dipancarkan oleh warna orange.
Sunrise in the morning..
Very nice view by the Almighty. How was the color orange in the sky in the morning, very warm and soothing, making us have a lot of inspiration and encouragement. Sometimes we become so grateful to see the sun in the morning, of course for me because it's orange. So many colors God ..
I have an orange in my heart ..
Yes, not orange but the orange one for me ..
But he was like the sun, rising in the morning and sank at dusk ..
Yes, orange gives ma spirit of like in the morning and gives me peace at dusk ..
when he became the morning sun and twilight, ma heart becomes blue sky dotted by orange color it emits ..
But I can't tell him that he is still the orange in ma heart..
I prefer to enjoy its beauty without her need to know I love the orange color of her self : ')
Many things we don't want to happen and it happened
We're afraid of it happening before it happens
But once that happens we become very happy
Until now I don't understand why
God with wonderful flavors that give the human heart..
Wonderful flavors like orange..
Orange bukan cuma di pagi hari tapi juga ada orange di sore hari..
Orange di sore hari biasanya bercampur dengan warna lain seperti ungu dan merah di langit..
Banyak burung dilangit terbang di langit senja mungkin mereka ingin kembali pulang ke sarangnya..
Aku juga ingin pulang ketika memandang burung-burung itu di langit..
Pulang menenangkan hati dan pikiran yang seharian sudah mengalami dan mengatasi berbagai masalah dan persoalan, sore hari saatnya kembali ke posisi hati yang tenang and thankful God for what has happened today..
Bersyukur bukan hanya untuk hal-hal menyenangkan yang telah terjadi hari ini, tetapi juga bersukur untuk hal-hal yang tidak kita inginkan. Mungkin saat ini kita benci hal itu terjadi tetapi suatu saat nanti kita akan mengerti dan tersenyum karena hal yang tidak kita inginkan terjadi telah terjadi di hidup kita..
I love the orange because I was orange and will always be orange like the one in the morning and evening sky :)
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